starring Reginald Denny and Gertrude Olmsted
December, 1925

There is a dash, a swing to the title of this Reginald Denny film which spells romance and adventure. While it isn't of the high caliber of "Oh, Doctor" and "I'll Show You the Town," there is enough sparkle to carry it by. Perhaps you'll be reminded of Wally Reid's auto stories with this entry. It's cut by the same author from an identical pattern. The scapegrace son loses his sweetheart when he cuts up a few devilish didoes. The promise of the title is not kept entirely. There are places when it loses its speed, but, all things considered, it keeps to the road and finishes on high. The star and Gertrude Olmsted take care of the romance, and John Steppling and Fred Esmelton take care of the parental argument.

starring Reginald Denny and Gertrude Olmsted
November, 1925

Reginald Denny joins the ranks of the speed boys and wins the big automobile race. Never mind, it's always a thrilling climax. The rest of the story concerns Denny's adventures as boss of a de luxe transcontinental hot dog stand. The gags are funny but the plot is weak. Denny plays it for what it is worth, which is just a lot of clowning.

For more information, see "California Straight Ahead" as our "Feature of the Month."

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