The adventuresome Lt. Ransom
is greeted by his budddies upon his return from fighting Indians. |
"Cahill -- you or me
has got to leave this Post -- and I'm not figurin' on desertin'!" |
Although a fire has broken
out that threatens the powder magazines and the possibility that
the whole fort could blow up, Ranson is not deterred. |
During a boring evening together,
Ranson's friends tell him of a bold highwayman who has been holding
up stagecoaches. "Doesn't take any nerve to hold up a stagecoach
-- just a game of bluff." Then he brags, "I'll hold
up the stage tonight -- myself -- rob Miss Post and -- dance
with her an hour later." |
Cahill overhears Ranson's
boast. |
After Ranson's leaves to
rob the stagecoach, his friends learn that the paymaster is on
his way. "We must stop Ranson -- Patten and the payroll
-- that's no joke!" |
When Ranson holds up the
stagecoach, he declines to take anything from the ladies. What
he doesn't know, however, is that the paymaster and his escorts
are on their way in a wagon - and are about to get robbed for
real! |
Being arrested by his friend.
"By order of the commanding officer, you are in arrest."
Ranson: "So you can't take
a joke -- you had to tell! What am I being arrested for?"
"For attacking a superior
officer -- robbing the government paychest -- and for murder!"
"Mary -- you -- you
-- believe in me?" |
Being tried for robbery and
murder. |