"Take heed, therefore!
If ye sin, ye must pay -- there
is no escape!" |
"It would be pleasant,
sir, to walk beside thee and hear three condemn me for my sins." |
"I have told thee my
thoughts -- thou dost say they are sinful - but, why? Why are
we taught to be ashamed - of love?" |
"Another man's wife
-- and in my heart, thou hast been my wife - my wife!" |
"Hester Prynne, I charge
thee to speak out the name of thy fellow sinner." |
"We have decided thy
child shall be taken from thee and brought up by a Christian
woman." |
"Go for the minister!
Tell him my child is dying!" |
"Hester Prynne! Who's
the father of this child?" |
"The ship that takes
Hester and thee away, takes me! Dost thou think thou shalt ever
find happiness? I shall always follow thee!" |
"Believe him not! His
mind is unbalanced by his illness! He accuses himself falsely!" |