Ben Harding is the star pictcher
for the small town of Brownville. |
His sweetheart, Maizie .
. . |
. . . who also has another
suitor, Jim Blair, the banker's son. |
The manager of the Pink Sox
tells Ben he may be able to use him one day. |
The big social event in Brownville
is the shadow dance. Young men bid on the company of young ladies
for the dance based on their shadow. Unfortunately, Ben successfully
bids thinking he has won Maizie, but, of course, it isn't. |
A telegram is delivered to
the dance informing Ben that he is to report to the Pink Sox. |
Although a large contingent
from Brownville show up to support him at one of his games .
. . |
. . . Ben has developed a
huge ego, and doesn't acknowledge their presence. He spends his
time talking to golddigger Pearl Devere. |
Ben's ego and involvement
with Pearl has caused him to perform poorly. "Get back to
the bushes and think of the chances you've lost," his manager
tells him. |
Ben has returned to his hometown
broke and ashamed. He vows never to pitch again. However, on
the day of the big game with Centerville, Jim tries to "fix"
the game to pay off debts. "Bet on Centerville. I've fixed
it with Neal Webster to skip out of town. Without him to pitch,
Brownville can't win," Jim tells his cohort in crime. |
When all seems lost for Brownville
in the big game, Ben is enticed back on the mound. |
Maizie never gave up hope. |