After the boy's graduation
speech denouncing sports, Mary angrily walks away. |
To impress Mary, he tries
out for baseball at college. However, in a bases loaded situation,
he runs from first to home on a fly ball causing his team to
get three outs at one time. The umpire holds up three fingers
to inform him of his error. |
As a joke, a bunch of boys
use a blanket to throw the boy in the air. However, he grabs
onto a lady looking out from an upstairs window and drags her
down with him. |
Jeff tells Mary, "Don't get
too interested in that campus clown. You're supposed to be going
with me." |
When the boy tries out for
track, he is discouraged when two kids chasing each other run
faster than he does down the track. |
"Coach, I'd lke to have
you make this young man coxswain of the crew." |
"Please leave. If you were
seen in my room it would mean expulsion for me!" That's
just what Jeff wants since he's just been expelled. |
The rudder comes loose from
the scull, so the boy ties it to his posterior and lowers himself
into the water to guide the boat. |
All of the boy's athletic
abilities come out when he must confront Jeff in Mary's room.
Jeff throws items from the dressing table, and the boy swings
a boat paddle like a seasoned baseball player. |
Caught together in Mary's
dorm room.
"Young lady, do you know what
this means?"