Trying to hold a large number of packages, carry
a live turkey and pay the conductor on the trolley at the same
time proves to be difficult for Hubby. |
Out for a ride in their new car and speeding,
a cop pulls alongside and tells Hubby to pull over. Seeing his
chance to get away, Hubby gets in behind the cop and tailgates
him so he can't stop - eventually running cop and motorcycle
into a lake. |
Mother-in-law butts in with the cop at the
intersection and causes Hubby to get a second traffic ticket. |
Trying to get away from a fire wagon pulled
by a team of racing horses, Hubby jerks the car over onto the
sidewalk. Suddenly an underground elevator rises from below the
street level lifting the car in the air. |
Brother-in-law Charley is more concerned
that his pocket watch is broken than he is that the brand new
car has been totally demolished by a trolley. |
Back home, dejected, and wishing he had the
nerve to stand up to his mother-in-law, Hubby goes to his neighbor
for advice. The neighbor suggests a big drink from his whiskey
flask will provide the confidence he needs. |
Mother-in-law has figured out that Hubby
is intoxicated. To keep her from telling Wifey, he douses her
napkin in chloroform and then surreptitiously blows pepper her
way. Sneezing several times, she uses the napkin to cover her
face - and the chloroform brings about the desired result. |
Through a series of misunderstandings, Hubby
thinks he has accidentally murdered his mother-in-law by giving
her too much chloroform. When he sees her sleepwalking through
the dark house, he thinks she has come back to haunt him. |
When mother-in-law awakes from her sleepwalking,
she thinks she sees a ghost. It's actually Hubby flailing away
trying to get a cover off that fell on him. |
Realizing that the mother-in-law is not dead and
that she thinks there are ghosts in the house, Hubby puts on
a sheet and rises from a chest successfully scaring the in-laws
from the house. |