starring George O'Brien and Dolores Costello
October, 1928

This picture has been heralded as a super-production, has been ages in the making, and thousands of people appear in it. The story is fundamentally a modern one, with its theme derived from the Bible. It is historical, allegorical, symbolical, etc., but the Biblical sequence doe not disappoint, as the sets and scenes are so massive and so realistically impressive that we have decided to be on the safe side when the world is destroyed again. We are still wondering how the flood scenes could have been made without loss of life.

The modern sequence is laid in France, at the time of the war. The story revolves around the romance of a beautiful German girl and an irresistible American boy. The two fall in love when they are caught in a train wreck, just before war is declared. These roles are played by Dolores Costello and George O'Brien, and rarely have they done such beautiful work.

The war episode is all one could ask, but the intimate scenes between O'Brien and Guinn Williams, his buddy, are exceptionally fine and appealing. It is to Michael Curtiz's credit that he has directed such a huge spectacle and at the same time so beautifully handled the love story.

The picture has a large and capable cast, and is tremendously interesting, for the most part; exceptionally thrilling and awe-inspiring in many parts, and will be discussed by every school child in the country, to say nothing of what will happen among teachers and religious enthusiasts. You will not be properly informed if you miss this.

For more information, see "Noah's Ark" as our "Feature of the Month"

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