Too much has been written about Harry Langdon that is negative
- that he was one of the most tragic figures of his time; his
large ego led to decisions that ruined his career; without (then
gag writer and later famous director) Frank Capra, he was incapable
of making successful films, and so on. In his book "Harry
Langdon, His Life and Films" (second edition), William Schelly
sets the record straight - no, not by denying all of these claims,
but, rather, placing them in a less "black and white"
perspective so that we have some insight into the reasons for
the course his career and life took. For example - did he have
talent, or was he simply the creation of gag writers and others
who set him on the road to stardom in the movies? A very significant fact that many overlook
is Langdon's success in vaudeville for about 17 years before entering
the movies in 1923 - and Langdon was a "headliner" who
was extremely popular and in high demand. Certainly there is a
difference to performing on the stage and in the movies, but,
as Schelly points out, Langdon had created the "Little Elf"
character long before placing himself in the hands of Hollywood's
directors, writers and publicists. The author makes it clear he
is a fan of the comedian, and that's probably one of the reasons
we have a refreshing account of Langdon's career instead of an
over-emphasis on his personal life. About the worst that could
be said of Langdon, anyway, is that he went through two divorces
with the former husband of the second claiming alienation of affections.
Schelly keeps it all in proper perspective, though. While giving
us an appropriate application of personal data, he ensures that
the focus of his book is on Langdon's film career. There are interesting
assessments of what led Langdon to be included among the "Big
Four" comedians of the silent era with some outstanding comedies
at the Sennett studio, then the success of his First National
features like "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp" (1926), "The
Strong Man" (1926) and "Long Pants" (1927). But
then he goes on to look at a variety of factors that may have
led to the sudden failure of his next three features, "Three's
a Crowd" (1927), "The Chaser" (1928) and "Heart
Trouble" (1928). The claims made in Frank Capra's autobiography
"The Name Above the Title" (The MacMillan Company, 1971)
that have, over the years, led to some of the misconceptions about
Langdon are addressed, as well. Schelly doesn't totally discredit
Capra's comments, but he does attempt to bring the comments into
perspective by presenting them within the context of all the factors
that impacted the comedian's career at the time. Few are familiar,
too, with Langdon's sound career - making two-reelers with Roach
Studios, Educational Films, and Columbia, and his feature film
output during this time. As Schelly points out, Langdon made many
more sound films than silent. The comedian did struggle financially
during these years, but he proved he could endure the changing
of the times and, by doing so, continued to find work up until
he passed away in 1944. Schelly is an accomplished writer with
14 other books to his credit that he has either written or edited.
"Harry Langdon, His Life and Films" is a top-notch book
that the reader will find interesting, well-written, and a worthy
tribute to one of the silent era's most lovable and enduring personalities.