David Shields' "Still" is a recommended book but
with caveats. Anyone who collects fan photos and/or stills from
the silent era will find this book informative and insightful
regarding the men and women who so beautifully captured the personalities
of the stars and the memorable moments from the films. Silent
movie fans for years have seen the signatures on photos such as
Witzel, Evans, Freulich, Louise, Hurrell, Spurr or Abbe - names
that are familiar thanks in part to books such as "Ruth Harriet
Louise and Hollywood Glamour Photography" by Robert Dance
and Bruce Robertson (University of California Press, 2002), "Hollywood:
The Years of Innocence" by John
Kobal (Abbeville Press, 1985), "Masters of Starlight"
by David Fahey and Linda Rich (Ballantine Books, 1987) and "Hollywood
Glamor Portraits" edited by John Kobal (Dover Publications,
1976). Most are not, however, familiar with such names a Rice,
Boris, Majdrakoff, Earle, Curtis, Lachman, Gaudio, van den Broek,
Seely and a host of others. Not only are there insights into the
artistry of these photographers and engrossing discussion of how
their styles differed, the silent movie fan will also find the
relationship of these photographers to the stars, directors and
producers who employed them extremely enlightening and interesting.
Unfortunately, there are some glaring errors in the book that
weaken its appeal - errors such as referring to photographer Arthur
F. Rice as Arthur J. Rice, referencing Enid Bennett in a "Robin
Hood" photo caption as Billie Bennett, mislabeling a full
page photo of Reginald Denny as Richard Dix, mislabeling a photo
of Antonio Moreno and Alice Terry from "Mare Nostrum"
as Peter (sic) Wegener and Alice Terry from "The Magician"
- and, not only is Moreno identified as Wegener, Wegener's name
is "Paul," not "Peter." In spite of the valuable
information found within these pages on the still photographers,
one is led to believe that for all his expertise regarding photography,
Shields is not a very devoted silent movie fan. In addition to
the unfortunately mislabeling of photos, this is further evidenced
in his "Overture" to introduce the book when he states,
" . . . the still image rivaled the moving image in revealing
personality and that it proved a more durable medium for preserving
action, character, and personality than the motion picture."
A silent movie fan who has viewed the evolution of a star from
the beginning of his/her career and on into the sound era in a
variety of demanding roles will find this statement a bit difficult
with which to agree. As noted, we do recommend this book, but
with caveats. It is somewhat academic in writing style, and one
only wishes there were more photographs. Measuring 7 1/4"
by 10 1/4", it is by no means a "coffee table"
book, and although there are over 150 photographs, the book's
appeal could have been greatly enhanced with the inclusion of
more, not only in number, but in size as well. It is a beautifully
produced book with glossy photos that are crisp and clear. It
may not be for every silent movie fan, but if you're a fan of
the still photography from the era, you'll find the story behind
those stills in this book to your liking.