Recommended Reading

"Harold Lloyd: The Man on the Clock"

by Tom Dardis (Penguin Books, 1983, 357 pages)

When writing the biography of a film star, it seems on natural that the bulk of the book should deal with the star's career. Too many biographies seem to go on forever talking about the star's early years before you ever get to the portion of the book that deals with the person's entrance into films. In Dardis' book, Lloyd's arrival in Hollywood is recounted very quickly, in Chapter 2, as a matter of fact. Which means that 11 of the 12 chapters deal with the stuff we're really interested in. And it's a good bio, too - easy reading, absorbing, accurate and entertaining. Of course, there's plenty on Lloyd's sound films of the 1930's, too, and sufficient observation of why Lloyd just couldn't seem to make it in talkies. There is mention of some of his family problem, but credit goes to Dardis that he doesn't dwell on this. Instead, he's more interested in the film artist, and, after all, that's why we love Lloyd. This makes a good companion book to Adam Reilly's Harold Lloyd - The King of Daredevil Comedy (1977).

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