Recommended Reading

"The Ultimate Directory of the Silent Screen Performers: A Necrology of Births and Deaths and Essays on 50 Lost Players"

by Billy H. Doyle (The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1995, 346 pages.)

Billy Doyle is the recognized expert at digging up information on "lost players" and has contributed occasional articles on this topic to Classic Images for years. This book actually is divided into two parts, the first part being essays on 50 "lost players" - names such as Leah Baird, Mabel Ballin, Dolores Cassinelli, Bessie Eyton, Mary Fuller, Fred Mace, Martha Mansfield, Kittens Reichert, Rosemary Theby and more. The second half contains more than 7,000 birth and death dates and places for silent movie people! Amazing! The cost is somewhat high, but the information for the serious silent film researcher is invaluable.

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