Starring George Walsh
September, 1925

If you like your pictures hot, you'll want to see George Walsh in his latest, "American Pluck," for he not only keeps you on the griddle as to what will happen next, but his name is Blaze Derringer. Blaze is kicked out of college, and his irate parent tells him to clear out and not come back until he has earned five thousand dollars. What do you suppose Blaze does? Puts on his gloves and passes the hat . . . Well, you are half right. He puts on his gloves . . . and goes in for a prize fight. Blaze meets a girl, and she put him on fire in a minute.

It's a complicated job winning the real girl, but when she happens to be a Princess, there's more red tape than ever. The Princess rules far away Bargonia. With the map of the world always changing in these days, like the waist-lines, there's no telling where this strange land is. The subtitle informs us that the people were a banana-loving race, but they had been fed up on "apple-sauce." I suppose that mkes us a ham sandwich nation until someone came along and set the hot dog on us! But Blaze trails the Princess right to her throne, saves her from a scheming statesman, sees her crowned Queen, and in fact, is a regular self-starting Yankee son-of-a-gun, and you'll like him.

Starring George Walsh
September, 1925

If you still believe in fairy tales, perhaps you can down this -- if not, you're out of luck. List to this -- a princess meets a college boy posing as a prize fighter and falls in love with him. But what cares she for the silk and satin counts, dukes, etc. This is the twentieth century, and she'll marry the man of her heart. And she does. Now we ask you -- can you beat that?

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