Starring Sally O'Neil and Roy D'Arcy
July, 1927

Oh, what a girl was Sally -- she always was and she always will be if the movies have anything to say. Here's another Sally song, with Miss O'Neil taking her own part, assisted by a large cast of cut-ups. Seems that Isaac Lapidowitz (Tenen Holtz, and a very good actor, too) and Bridget Lapidowitz, (played by Kate Price, that dear old dumpling) are the proud pay-rents of Colleen Sally, Mike Abraham and Isador Xavier Lapidowitz. The latter two parts are played by Leon Holmes and Turner Savage, and how these two rough-neck kids ever escaped "Our Gang" is more than I can make out yet. Leon and Turner are the original bad boys; you won't know whether you want to spank 'em or hug 'em; maybe a little of both. Of Sally's two suitors -- a clean-cut Irish cop, and a refined gent named Stuart Gold, -- the little pests prefer the Irishman; and you can guess the rest -- even if Mr. Gold is impersonated by Roy D'Arcy's inimitable teeth and mustache. "Abie's Irish Rose" is now entering its sixth year in New York, so "Frisco Sally Levy" ought to run forever.

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