Starring Cleo Ridgley and Wallace Reid
December 31, 1915

Lasky (Paramount) five reels. Cecil B. De Mille directed it with Cleo Ridgley and Wallace Reid the co-stars. Jeanie MacPherson wrote the scenario. The story is of a judge's daughter who marries a good-for-nothing who turns out after marriage to be a second-story man. She is forced from refinement to poverty. She sews in orders that they may have food. While out on a seamstress job, she is asked by the lady of the house to attend a dinner she is giving that night posing as a rich young debutante. With some fine clothes and jewelry she makes a pretty picture. The woman's idea in securing the girl to do this is that the seamstress' beauty will catch the eye of a young millionaire whom her husband wishes to rope into a deal and delay him in going away on a proposed trip. He falls heavily in love with her at first sight. Later the seamstress' husband tries to rob the house getting into her room. He is caught by the people in the house and his identity learned, but he escapes the police. She returns to her humble quarters with the husband and his followers plotting to kill the young millionaire whom he thinks is trying to get his wife. They send him a note telling him to call. This he does, coming prepared for any emergency. He enters the apartment, and a great fight ensues in which the millionaire shows his worth as a battler. The police arrive, and the husband who tries to flee down a fire escape is shot and falls to the ground dead. He being out of the way, the millionaire and ex-society girl are to become man and wife. Two more capable leading players could not be secured than Cleo Ridgley and Wallace Reid. This production is said to be their first as co-stars. Their work in this would warrant many more. The production stands out nicely with the picture on a whole giving satisfaction. Some well-done silhouette close-ups add materially to the picture.

For more information, see "The Golden Chance" as our "Feature of the Month"

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