staring Richard Dix and Esther Ralston
October, 1925

Do you remember those zippy auto yarns that Wally Reid made into such capital comedies? Well, here's one cut from the same cloth. Indeed, Byron Morgan, the author if hte late star's best pictures, dashed off this sparkling piece for Richard Dix. The idea is interesting, since it features a young man winning a hoodoo car in raffle and running into all sorts of trouble with it. But he gets out of his scrapes in breezy fashion. leave that to Dix. He cops first prize and the girl, charmingly played by Esther Ralston. You will enjoy it. Look to the thrills.

staring Richard Dix and Esther Ralston
October, 1925

This is the first automobile picture I have seen in quite a while, and it is a good one. It is called "The Lucky Devil," and it ought to be perfect entertainment for all Richard Dix fans. There is a lot of Mr. Dix in it. Mind you, I'm not complaining. I'm giving the picture a kind word.

He is a young department-store salesman who wins a racing car in a raffle. He starts off for the big open spaces, and, at the very first tourist camp, loses his heart to a young lady in a Ford. The young lady has an aunt, and she and several other things complicate matters.

At the end there is an exciting road race that looked more like a steeplechase to me, and Mr. Dix gets the money and the gal.

The picture is called "The Lucky Devil" because the car is a hoodoo. I believe that's why they did it.

Esther Ralston is the girl. I think she is unusually pretty and pleasant. Anthony Jowatt had a small part. He is to be with Gloria Swanson in "The Coast of Folly."

Mr. Dix does inconsequential things with ease and grace. This is the second picture of his that I have liked. Edna May Oliver give the best performance of the picture as the aunt. She really acts as though she might be somebody's aunt. I know, because I was an aunt myself, once.

Starring Richard Dix and Esther Ralston
September, 1925

Richard Dix certainly is a lucky devil that he has such a winning personality to fit perfectly into the character of Randy Farnum, a happy-go-lucky sort of a lad. This story by Bryron Morgan, who wrote many of the stories that served to make Wally Reid famous, is full of many laugh provoking situations and, lastly, a hair-raising automobile road race. The children will love it.

For more information, see "The Lucky Devil" as our "Feature of the Month"

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