Starring Harry Houdini and Lila Lee
Vol. 1, 1920
The sponsors of this picture made an apology for it in the introductory caption and so disarmed the spectator to some extent from being unduly critical. The result is one must accept it for what it is - a mere vehicle for the exploitation of the handcuff king, Houdini. The apology was kept up throughout the length of the feature, which proves how those in charge erred in putting over something on the public. Really, "Terror Island" goes back to the nickelodeon days, there being an absence of rhythm and reason in theme, treatment and interpretation. A sophisticated audience will surely kid the life out if it, just as they did at the Rialto. The picture is nothing more or less than a wild serial compressed into five reels and the incidents contained in it might have been conceived in a nightmare.
Highly impossible as the ancient kokum is, it is going to take a lot of explanation as more apology than what is offer dot make even a child believe the stunts that take place underwater. Houdini might get away with it on a bet, but not Lila Lee.