starring Colleen Moore and Kenneth Harlan
April, 1927

"Twinkletoes" is Colleen Moore's most appealing picture in a long time. It is less of a romp, and more of a characterization.
It's a Limehouse story, which means fog, sordid villainy, virtue in a trap, and a pure, pure love. But in this instance it also means Colleen.
She is Twinkletoes, who dances in the ballet of a Limehouse theater and against her will falls in love with "Chuck" Lightfoot, a prize fighter ­ with a wife. Twinkletoes has a father, too, who is caught in the toils of the law, so that altogether there's quite a mix-up before Twinkletoes is seen hoeing cabbages for the final fade-out.
Colleen wears a blond wig in the new picture, and it proves to be enormously becoming. Kenneth Harlan is Chuck Lightfoot.

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